Are you still up to date with all the terms, abbreviations and new developments on social media? No? Perfect, because then you are the ideal reader of our 4-part blog: the ultimate social media dictionary. With each letter of the alphabet we’ll provide you with 4 interesting words. Time for U to Z!
- Unfollow
To unfollow someone is to ‘unsubscribe’ yourself from someone’s social media account. If you prefer to maintain the social connection, but don’t want to see their messages, you can mute them instead.
- URL – Uniform Resource Locator
URL is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. It means the address of a website page or other resource on the Internet.
- URL Shortener
A URL shortener is a tool that shortens a long URL into a shorter (and more social media-friendly) format. URL shorteners such as can also provide link tracking capabilities, allowing companies to measure clicks on social media and assign website conversions to individual social messages.
- UGC – User Generated Content
User-generated content is content created by ‘normal people’ on social media, rather than by brands themselves. Brands collect that content through contests, branded hashtags, or simply by asking permission. Brands then share this content on their own pages.
- Verified
Verification on social media means that you have proven your identity to the provider of the social media platform and received a verified label, usually in the form of a check mark. This is usually reserved for brands or celebrities to prevent identity fraud.
- Viral Marketing
A marketing technique whereby information is transferred electronically from one internet user to another, resulting in broad coverage and high interest rates. A ‘viral’ range.
- VR – Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality immerses the user in an experience so that what they do looks or feels real. VR headsets are a common way of dealing with virtual reality.
- Vloggen
Vlogging is a combination of the words “video” and “blogging”. It means creating and posting video blog content. Someone who vlogs is known as a “vlogger”. It is mainly done on YouTube.
W - X - Y - Z
Less frequent letters, but still some things to remember:
- Webinar
Webinar is a combination of the words “web” and “seminar”. A webinar is a digital broadcast of a presentation intended to teach or inform. Webinars allow users to view a presentation from their computer or other device and have been on the rise since the corona crisis!
Technically, Yelp is not a social media platform. But it’s a great way to spread awareness if you’re a business owner. The platform is one of the leading sites for online recommendations.
Zapier is a software that uses “zaps” to connect apps and offers users a way to automate tasks. For example, you can connect your Twitter to your Evernote to store your favorite tweets in a folder.