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The ultimate social media dictionary: N-T

Are you still up to date with all the terms, abbreviations and new developments on social media? No? Perfect, because then you are the ideal reader of our 4-part blog: the ultimate social media dictionary. With each letter of the alphabet we’ll provide you with 4 interesting words. Time for G to M!


  • Native Advertising

Native advertising is a type of social media ad that fits the style and format of an organic post, e.g. a ‘boosted post’. Advertisements are always recognizable by a label that says ‘sponsored’ or ‘promoted’, but the goal is to make advertisements feel less like ads, and more like part of the conversation.

  • News Feed

A news feed is literally a feed full of news. On Facebook, the news feed is the homepage of the user accounts where they can see the latest updates from their friends. The news feed on Twitter is called ‘Timeline’.

  • Newsjacking

Newsjacking refers to responding to the popularity of a news story to enhance your sales and marketing success.

  • Notification

A notification is a message or alert that indicates new social media activities. For example, if someone likes one of your (Instagram) photos, you can receive a notification on your smartphone or laptop.

Questions about social media advertising? Shoot!


  • Objectives

Objectives are the goals of an advertising campaign on social media. For example, Facebook ads have objectives divided into 3 broad categories: awareness, attention, and conversion.

  • Organic Social Media

When we talk about organic social media, we’re talking about unpaid posts. Those are the posts that you simply make yourself and post on your timeline. Not to be confused with social media advertising, where you are going to promote posts.

  • Organic Reach

Organic reach is the number of unique users viewing your content without a paid promotion. People find social content through their own feed – either from companies they like the accounts themselves or through content shared by friends or connections.

No ‘word’, but a convenient service. Ow.ly is a URL service endorsed by Hootsuite. The site makes it possible to shorten long URLs for a clean, shorter length.

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  • PPC (Pay Per Click)

Pay per click is a form of advertising where an organization pays each time a user clicks on an ad. The costs incurred during a PPC campaign vary based on the competitiveness of the targeted keyword. The amount you pay for each click in a pay per click campaign is your cost per click (CPC).

  • Pinned Post

A pinned message is a social media message that is placed at the top of your page or profile on Facebook or Twitter. It’s a way to post an important announcement or highlight some of your best content.

  • Permalink

A permalink is an address or URL of a particular post within a blog or website that remains unchanged indefinitely.

  • Podcast

A podcast is a series of digital media files, usually audio, that are released per episode and often downloaded via an RSS-feed.

Why Google Ads is something for you

– Q – 


  • Reach

Reach means the number of people a brand could target with the help of advertising. It also indicates how many people have seen a particular item.

  • Regram

To regram is reposting an image or video from another Instagram user.

  • Retargeting

An advertising technique in which you send content to users who have already visited the website or page once. This is done via a pixel.

  • RSS-Reader

An RSS reader is a tool that allows you to collect articles from multiple RSS feeds in one place.

Start your retargeting campaign!


  • Scheduling

Involves scheduling posts in advance using a social media management platform or other publishing tool. Find out reasons why you should start scheduling!

  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume or quality of unpaid traffic to a website from search engines: making sure your pages are at the top of Google without paying for them, but through algorithms.

  • Share of Voice

The number of times your brand has been mentioned compared to the total number of times your competitors have been mentioned online or on social media.

  • Snap

A photo or video sent to Snapchat. You can add filters, text, emojis and drawings before you send it. Individual messages only last up to 10 seconds, after which they are completely erased (although Snapchat has introduced a replay function that allows you to view them again).

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  • Thread

A thread is a series of messages that together form a conversation. Threads begin with an initial message and then continue as a series of responses or comments. They are essential for keeping track of conversations in most forms of online communication, including social media and email.

  • Trending

Trending topics refer to the most discussed topics and hashtags on a social media network.

  • Tone of Voice

playful, educational, satirical. The tone of voice is the persona that portrays a brand on social media to its audience. Always make sure that the tone of voice is in line with the image you want to convey to your target group.

  • TBT (#ThrowbackThursday)

Throwback Thursday (#TBT) is a hashtag used to share old photos on social media. The name says it all: on Thursday.